Coach Helzevec.

CASE HISTORY: Coach Brian H. Helzevec got his start as an assistant high school football coach in the northernmost point of southwestern Ohio. Since then, he has gone on to coach at nearly every level the profession has to offer. Helzevec holds an American Sportsball Society record for the shortest coaching tenure in history, having been fired three minutes and forty seconds into his first game coaching the Seattle Kidpeople. His new-fangled ‘Symphony Of Destruction’ defense cost Seattle the fastest 48 points ever scored in a football game.

But Coach Helzevec is far more famous for his media relations than his coaching resume. Win or lose, Helzevec always has something to get off of his chest. Unflinchingly honest and personal, his post-game podium meltdowns are legendary, providing talk radio and sports highlight shows with endless fodder. Tune in and watch Coach Helzevec’s infamous press conferences, interview debacles, locker room pep-talks, and frenzied bathroom mirror rehearsal speeches.

EPISODES: 2:4 / 2:6 / 2:8 / 2:9 / 2:10 / 2:14 / 3:7

SUPEREGO LIVE: January 25, 2014 • SF Sketchfest / November 16, 2018 • The Bell House NY